SHEILA framework

SHEILA Framework

First version (July 2017)

Second version (May 2018) – to be used along with the manual and handout of the SHEILA framework

Third version – a web tool

About the SHEILA Framework

The SHEILA framework has been validated in various workshops (e.g., LAK’ 17&18, 13th EC-TEL, EUNIS learning analytics, ALASI, and SHEILA conferences)  by 200 participants from across the world between March and November 2018. It has also gone through a review process by external quality experts in two phases. The first quality review was provided by Niall Sclater, the Consultant and Director of Sclater Digital, and the recommendations in this report were addressed in this manual and handout of the SHEILA framework. The second quality review was provided by Dr Gill Ferrel, the Relationship Manager and Learning and Teaching SIG leader France of EUNIS (European University Information Systems), and the recommendations have been addressed through the development of the third version of the SHEILA framework.

Instruments of Data Collection

As part of the process of consulting primary stakeholders (teachers and students), the SHEILA project developed survey and focus group instruments, which have been made available for institutions to better adopt the SHEILA framework:

  1. Student survey protocol
  2. Student focus group protocol
  3. Staff survey protocol
  4. Staff focus group protocol
  5. Institutional leader interview protocol


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