Become an associate partner

Conceptions of what learning analytics and educational data mining are, and what they can do, is rapidly changing. So too is the gap between new ideas about what is technically possible and what is demonstrably effective, desirable, and sustainable in real education or training contexts.

To make the most of this situation will require individual creativity, critical thought, and debate. SHEILA has joined the SoLAR SIG Learning Analytics Community Exchange (LACE) and together we seek to expand the circle of contributors to this debate to give us all more insight into what is feasible and desirable.

Associate Partners and Liaisons

SHEILA is committed to collaboration and cooperation with other organisations and initiatives with an interest in Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining. We see this as a process of truly mutual support and sharing of effort.

We will be working with our Associate Partners to:

If you are a business, public sector organisation, project, or other initiative with a particular interest in learning analytics policy making and you would like to collaborate with us, you can get in touch using our online form [HERE]. Once you filled the form you will get in contact with Noelia Cantero, our project coordinator, will get in contact with you to specify how our collaboration can look like.

Looking forward to your request,

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