LA policies

The following list contains existing policies for learning analytics that we have had access to. Please help us update the list if you are aware of any learning analytics policy that has not been included on this list yet. We hope this repository will provide useful resources for institutions that are planning to develop or update their policies for learning analytics.

Institutional learning analytics policies

  1. The Open University, UK (approved in September 2014)
  2. Nottingham Trent University, UK (approved in November 2015)
  3. University of West London, UK (approved in September 2016)
  4. Charles Sturt University (CSU), Australia (version 3.2, approved on 16 September 2015)
  5. The University of Sydney (USyd), Australia (approved in April 2016)
  6. The University of Edinburgh (policy principles), UK (approved on 2 May 2017); Full policy (approved in May 2018)
  7. The University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia (approved in December 2017)


Other learning analytics policies

  1. Jisc (UK) – Code of Practice for Learning Analytics (published in June 2015)
  2. National Union of Students (UK) – Learning Analytics: A Guide for Students’ Unions (published in August 2015)
  3. EU-funded LACE project – A DELICATE checklist (published in April 2016)
  4. EU-funded LEA’s Box project – Privacy and Data Protection Policy (published in December 2014)

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