Project Researchers

University of Edinburgh   


Dragan Gasevic is a Professor and the Chair in Learning Analytics and Informatics in the Moray House School of Education and the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. As the President (2015-2017) and a co-founder of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), he has had the pleasure to serve as a founding program co-chair of the International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK) in 2011 and 2012, general chair of LAK in 16, founding program co-chair of the Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI) in 2013 and 2014, and a founding editor of the Journal of Learning Analytics since 2013. Computer scientist by formal education, Dragan considers himself a learning analyst whose research centers on learning analytics, self-regulated and social learning, higher education policy, and data mining. The award-winning work of his team on the LOCO-Analytics software is considered one of the pioneering contributions in the growing area of learning analytics. Recently, he has founded ProSolo Technologies Inc that developed a software solution for tracking, evaluating, and recognizing competencies gained through self-directed learning and social interactions. He is a frequent keynote speaker and a (co-)author of numerous research papers and books.



Jeff Haywood is Emeritus Professor of Education & Technology in the School of Education at the University of Edinburgh.  His research interests are in the development of strategies for effective use of ICT in education at institutional, national and international levels, with a particular emphasis on understanding learner experiences.  He has led, and been a partner in, numerous EU-, JISC-, SFC- and Research Council-funded projects in the field of technology in higher education and lifelong learning. Jeff was academic lead on a study for the European Commission looking at options for EU governments for modernising their HE systems using technology. He is a past member of the UK JISC Board, the Chair of the Coimbra Group E-Learning Group, and a member of the Scottish Government’s ICT for Excellence Group.

Until 2015, he was Vice-Principal for Knowledge Management, Chief Information Officer and Librarian at the University of Edinburgh, responsible for the University’s integrated Information Service and leading initiatives in expanding online distance and open education, high performance computing services, research data management & storage services, the redesign of the University website, selection of the next generation VLE, development of technology-rich study spaces, and e-assessment.

He then took on the role of Vice Principal Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh, leading the university’s digital education strategy, including its expanding portfolio of taught online Masters degrees and CPD, distance PhDs, and MOOCs.

His presentations and publications can be found at



Yi-Shan Tsai is a research associate in the Centre for Research in Digital Education in the Moray House School of Education at the University of Edinburgh. Her research focuses on policy and strategy formation for learning analytics in higher education. She holds a PhD and an MPhil degree in Education from the University of Cambridge. Prior to joining the SHEILA project team at the University of Edinburgh, she worked as an editor, a primary school teacher, and a biography writer.
Brussels Education Services  


Noelia Cantero holds a law degree and a Masters in European Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges. She completed two traineeships at the European Commission (i) DG Education, Training and Youth (XXII) dealing with European Policies in the Field of education, and (ii) in the Asia Invest Secretariat, evaluating and assisting with joint Euro-Asian projects in the field of economic cooperation and enterprises. Subsequently, she worked for two years as Policy Officer at the Murcia Regional Office and Development Agency delegation in Brussels before taking up a position as Communication Officer and Project Manager at the Coimbra Group of Universities (2000-2005). She is currently Managing Director and owner of BES. She has recently been external evaluator of project proposals for the EACEA and the Belgian (French Speaking) National Agency AEF. She has more than seventeen years’ experience in working with EU policies and programmes and writing and managing EU funded projects.
Open University of the Netherlands 


Hendrik Drachsler is Associate Professor for Learning Analytics at the Welten Institute of the Open University of the Netherlands, and holds a Chair on Technology-Enhanced Learning at the University of Applied Sciences Zuyd. His research interests include learning analytics, personalisation technologies, recommender systems, educational data, mobile devices, and their applications in the fields of technology-enhanced learning and health2.0. He is chairing the EATEL SIG dataTEL and the national SIG Learning Analytics of the Dutch umbrella organisation SURF. He is elected member of the Society of Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR). In the past he has been principal investigator and scientific coordinator of various national and EU projects (e.g.,<>,<>,<>). He regularly chairs international scientific events and is Associate Editor of IEEE’s Transactions on Learning Technologies, and the Journal of Learning Analytics.

Maren Scheffel is an assistant professor within the Technology Enhanced Learning Innovations (TELI) department of the Open Universiteit’s Welten Institute, the Research Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology. With a background in computational linguistics she started to work in the field of technology-enhanced learning in 2009 and has since then been involved in the coordination and management (ROLE, LACE, CompetenSEA) as well as the research work (ROLE, LinkedUp, LACE, SHEILA, CompetenSEA, SafePAT) of several European projects. For her PhD that she obtained from the Open Universiteit in 2017, she developed the Evaluation Framework for Learning Analytics (EFLA). Next to progressing this work further, her research now also delves into the connection of learning analytics and learning design as well as visualisation techniques for dashboards. Maren has organised workshops and has served as a reviewer for journals and conferences on many occasions. She is member of the editorial board of the Journal of Learning Analytics, of the SoLAR SIG LACE and vice chair of the SURF SIG Learning Analytics.
Tallinn University 


Kairit Tammets (PhD) is a head and the senior researcher at the Centre of Educational Technologies, School of Digital Technologies of the Tallinn University (TLU). Kairit has the PhD in educational sciences from Tallinn University since 2013. Her research has been related with the teachers’ professional learning in online communities, teachers’ digital competencies and e-portfolios. Recently she has been involved in the projects related with learning analytics and Kairit is mainly interested in learning analytics in organisational decision making level.


Adolfo Ruiz Calleja (PhD) is a senior researcher currently working at School of Digital Technologies of the Tallinn University (TLU). He obtained his PhD in telecommunication engineering in 2013 from the University of Valladolid (Spain). His research has always been related to the management and integration of learning and educational data. Specifically, he is interested on the use of social, semantic and web technologies to support learning. He is also interested on Learning Analytics both to analyze and support learning in formal and informal contexts. His work experience includes his participation is several Spanish national and regional projects (e.g. Sofocles, EEE-Web), and other European-funded projects (e.g. Incoming, Learning Layers, Sheila). In the context of these projects he authored more than 30 academic publications. Since September 2016, he is a senior researcher at the Centre of Excellence in Educational Innovation of Tallinn University.
Universidad Carlos III Madrid 


Carlos Delgado Kloos received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Technische Universität München and in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He is Full Professor of Telematics Engineering at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he is the Director of the GAST research group, Director of the UNESCO Chair on “Scalable Digital Education for All”, and Vice President for Strategy and Digital Education. He is also the Coordinator of the eMadrid research network on Educational Technology in the Region of Madrid. He is the Spanish representative at IFIP TC3 on Education and Senior Member of IEEE.





Pedro J. Muñoz-Merino is a lecturer and researcher at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he is the Director of the Master in Telematics Engineering. In 2009 he got his PhD in Telematics Engineering from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He obtained his acreditation in May 2012 as Associate Professor by the ANECA agency from the Spanish Ministry of Education. Pedro has received several awards for his work on educational technologies. He is author of more than 90 scientific publications and has participated in more than 20 research projects, coordinating some of them with private companies. He has coordinated the development and deployment of different learning analytics tools. You can contact him at twitter at @pedmume.


Pedro Manuel Moreno studied the Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication Technologies engineering, with honors and awards, from 2011 to 2015 in the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He started the Master in Telecommunications Engineering in 2015 and now he is finishing that master and taking the Master in Telematics in Engineering. He has joined the Telematics Department in October 2016 and he is working in predicting models in MOOCs.
European Association for Quality Assurance for Higher Education (ENQA) 


Anaïs Gourdin is the Project and Finance Officer of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) since June 2014. Anaïs has joined ENQA in 2012, first as a trainee and then as Administrative Assistant. Her main tasks include the management of financial matters for the association and to provide support in EU projects. Anaïs has studied foreign languages applied to international affairs and project management and is a graduate of Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne and Aix-Marseille Université. In between her studies, Anaïs worked as a French assistant in a secondary education institute.
Erasmus Student Network (ESN)


Rasmus Åberg is the Director of ESN and he has a thorough experience in project management of European-level projects and a deep understanding of the educational landscape in Europe. He co-founded ESN’s International Committee on Education in 2009, he has been a Steering Committee member of EUCIS-LLL (which since that has changed name to Lifelong Learning Platform) and he has also been Secretary General of OBESSU. Rasmus has a Bachelor in Political Science and a Master in International and European Relations from Linkoping University, with exchange studies in both Malaysia and Czech Republic. He has also worked as an International Coordinator at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm.

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