We are delighted to announce that the European University Association (EUA) have joined the SHEILA team as an associate partner.  The EUA will work with the SHEILA team on scanning of the learning analytics landscape in the European higher education institution and collaborate on dissemination of the project results. The first activity the EUA and SHEILA will collaborate is the survey of the learning analytics adoption in the European higher education institutions.


The SHEILA project is funded by the European Commission in the scope of the Erasmus = program. The SHEILA project is building a policy development framework that promotes formative assessment and personalized learning, by taking advantage of direct engagement of stakeholders in the development process. The policy framework will assist European higher education institutions to become more mature users and custodians of digital data about their students as they learn online.

The European University Association is the representative organisation of universities and national rectors’ conferences in 47 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Thanks to its interaction with a range of other European and international organisations EUA ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard, wherever decisions are being taken that will impact on their activities.